Every Friday morning at 8:30 AM, I discuss the week’s Winners & Losers on Talk 1370 Radio with Jim Cardle and Lynn Woolley on the Cardle & Woolley show. It’s a lightning round that runs the gamut from public policy and political trends to sports and culture in Texas, America and the world. Here’s who gets a thumbs up and thumbs down for the week ending May 3, 2024.

I’m making an executive decision to break protocol and pronounce University of Texas at Austin President Jay Hartzell a Winner for the second week in a row for taking quick and decisive action to bring in state police to stop pro-Hamas protesters from taking over the 40 Acres. Even rational college presidents frequently buckle under intimidation from left-wing faculty, but the list of professors at UT who want a “no confidence” vote against Hartzel has grown to over 600 and the UT President hasn’t blinked.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is also on the Winners list for telling the Biden administration that Texas will ignore the President’s destruction of historic Title IX Legislation. The President announced he wants to include men who think they are women to those who are protected by the law. Attorney General Ken Paxton joins Abbott as a Winner for suing the federal government for attempting to expand Title IX, which literally created women’s sports in America and is protecting women athletes now. The Governor and the Attorney General are fighting to make sure the feds don’t screw that up.   

The men of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of North Carolina also top the Winners list this week for their courage during the pro-Hamas protest on their campus. They stood for over an hour amid heckling and jeers to block the hoisting of a Palestinian flag at UNC and to make sure the American flag did not touch the ground. They were pelted with insults and solid objects but they did not back down.

Another Winner is U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, who is up 13 points over his Democrat opponent Colin Allred according to the latest Texas Politics Project Poll, which historically leans a little Democrat, so Cruz is probably ahead by more than 13. That poll is on this week’s Losers list for a sloppy report on what Texans think about the war in Gaza.

Echoing that poll, headlines all over the state read that Texans are divided on how they feel about the war in Gaza, but that’s probably a problem with how the questions were asked. According to a Harvard-CAPS Harris Survey American support for Israel over Hamas is 80 percent to 20 percent in almost every age group and it hasn’t changed since October 7 despite the campus protests. Even among younger people aged 18-24, support for Israel is almost 60 percent. It is highly unlikely those sentiments are much different in Texas where, despite what you see on some college campuses, Texans tend to oppose terrorists like Hamas.

In chalking up other Losers, we have to pick the worst policy idea President Joe Biden laid out this week. It’s a multiple choice:

  1. Resettling Palestinian refugees in America
  2. Announcing $6 billion more in student loan forgiveness for art students
  3. Biden’s too little, too late statement on campus protests where he equates the current threat of Islamophobia with the anti-Semitism we are seeing everywhere.
  4. His pronouncement that Japan, India, China and Russia’s economies don’t thrive because those countries are xenophobic and don’t welcome immigrants. Those countries can join New Guinea which is still waiting for an apology for his story that cannibals there ate his uncle.
  5. His micromanaging Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, announcing the U.S. won’t support Israel’s invasion into Rafah.

You probably have your own list. This is undoubtedly why CNN put out a poll this week showing that 61 percent of American’s view Biden’s term as president as a failure. Only 39% believe it was a success.

The reality of that CNN poll seemed to hit left-wing cable news site MSNBC particularly hard when former commentator Al Sharpton noted that the campus protests look remarkably like January 6. Sharpton makes the Winners list by stating the obvious. Of course, MSNBC is a loser.

Jerry Seinfeld and sports commentator Charles Barkley both make the Winners list for straight talk. Seinfeld told the New Yorker that “P.C. crap and the extreme left” have ruined comedy by making people deathly afraid of offending other people. Then, while the New Orleans Pelicans were being eliminated from the NBA playoffs by the Oklahoma City Thunder, Barkley took a shot a Galveston Bay, saying the water wasn’t blue. Read the story to get the drift. Beyoncé’s mother hails from Galveston, and after she called him out, Barkley backed down, but he pivoted to re-activate his long-time allegation that San Antonio women are fat. Barkley has absolutely no room to talk, but he’s a Winner for not letting himself be silenced by “P.C. crap.”

Speaking of comedians, how about U.S. Senator John Fetterman who said this week that there are two factions among the Palestinian protestors at Columbia, “pro-Hamas and really pro-Hamas.” Funny. Winner.

Finally, it almost goes without saying that Kristi Noem is a big-time Loser for this week and many weeks to come. Don’t shoot your dog.

Gotta cut it off here. Have a great weekend!

Listen to Winners & Losers on Talk 1370, the Cardle & Wooley show, every Friday morning at 8:30 AM.  Here’s the listen live link.


Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, and the former Senior Advisor to Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick.

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