Border Payoff

January 12, 2024


Brian Phillips

For over a decade, Brian Phillips has helped policymakers and political candidates develop effective messages and communication strategies. Phillips is a veteran of presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial campaigns, and has extensive experience working in the United States Congress and public policy think tanks. Previously, he served in a senior communications role as the Director of Rapid Response for Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign. Prior to joining Cruz, Phillips worked as Communications Director for U.S. Senator Mike Lee of Utah, who has played a role in nearly every major policy debate since joining the Senate in 2011, including Obamacare repeal, fighting Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders, protecting Americans’ Second Amendment rights, as well as promoting numerous innovative policy reforms.  Before going on to hold several senior positions in House, Senate and gubernatorial campaigns, Phillips worked for the highly-respected conservative Heritage Foundation as a Media Adviser promoting conservative policy reforms.

The following commentary is published on Thursdays as part of TPPF’s subscriber-only newsletter The Post. If you would like to subscribe to The Post, click here

In August, TPPF CEO Greg Sindelar predicted that President Biden self-inflicted immigration crisis would get so bad that he would cut a deal with the Mexican government to crack down on border crossings. That prediction was confirmed last month and we now know Mexico’s full price:

In a press conference on Friday, López Obrador called on the U.S. to approve a plan that would deploy $20 billion to Latin American and Caribbean countries, suspend the U.S. blockade of Cuba, remove all sanctions against Venezuela and grant at least 10 million Hispanics living in the U.S. the right to remain and work legally.

So let’s recap: Biden reverses the Trump-era policies that were working, sparks a historic  migration to the southern border, refuses to respond to the crisis, undermines Texas’ attempt to respond on its own, sues to block the implementation of new Texas border security laws, literally dismantles the physical barriers erected by Texas, and is now begging for Mexico’s help to stop the border surge, which will cost America international sanctions, amnesty for 10 million people, and $20 billion in cash.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten a lot. In fact, I know I have because the U.S. Speaker of the House has assembled this helpful 17 page document listing every incidence of Biden and his administration undermining border security and encouraging illegal immigration.  It was released ahead of hearings this week to start the process of impeaching Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for overseeing the systematic destruction of our southern border while repeatedly declaring “the border is secure.”

Biden is going to sell out the American people to get Mexico to stop the border crossings while simultaneously fighting Texas’ effort to stop the border crossings. It’s crazy – but they don’t call election years the “silly season” for nothing.

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