
Report Shows Big Declines In Poverty In 2019, But California Leads The Nation – In Poverty – With Austin, Texas Trying Hard To Catch Up

The Census Bureau’s annual reports on poverty in America were released on Sept. 15. The reports provide three salient observations. First, that the largest reductions in poverty in the past 10 years occurred in 2019, as American employment and wage growth was particularly strong in minority communities in the wake of President Trump’s economy-boosting tax cuts and...

September 17, 2020
Energy & Environment

The Biden-Harris energy plan would inflict California-style blackouts, sky-high costs on our entire nation

California just saw electrical blackouts due to a lack of power, rather than due to wildfires, for the first time since 2001. The left’s systemic environmentalism that emphasizes green bling over the basics, like reliability and power lines, is to blame. California’s woes would have been far worse were it not for gas and coal-powered generation in other...

September 5, 2020
Criminal Justice

On Defunding The Police, Austin Asks, “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Wokest Of Them All?”

In America’s season of unrest, calls for police reform have too often been met with sloganeering rather than considered debate illuminated by fact and data. Unfortunately, one major city in Texas isn’t immune to this phenomenon: Austin. Of Texas’ six most-populous cities, five plan to increase their law enforcement budgets: Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth,...

August 14, 2020