Local Government

Will illegal voting tip Texas blue in 2020?

Texas, the second-biggest Electoral College prize after California, may be a hard-fought political battleground this year. After Sen. Ted Cruz’ closer-than-expected 2.6 percent 2018 reelection victory over then-Congressman Beto O’Rourke, Democrats across the nation have been proclaiming Texas is theirs for the taking. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has pledged to spend $1 billion to defeat President...

February 17, 2020

Florida And Texas Take First And Second In The 2019 U-Haul Trophy As People Flee Illinois And California

The 2019 U-Haul state migration index is out, and the top states Americans are moving to are no surprise—Florida, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina and Washington. These are states with light state and local tax burdens. Conversely, four of the top five states people are fleeing—Illinois, California, Michigan, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania—feature high taxes (though Michigan’s tax burden...

January 8, 2020