Energy & Environment

China Goes All-In On Coal While Telling The Rest Of The World To Reduce Emissions

Greenhouse gas negotiations in Madrid adjourned after two weeks without an agreement, leaving delegates to jet back home in failure. In response, an executive with the Environmental Defense Fund admonished nations to go their own way on carbon markets, setting up rules for “international emissions trading.” A U.N. report released last month said greenhouse gas emissions must...

December 16, 2019

Employers Add 266,000 Jobs In November, Far Above Expectations, Previous Months’ Estimates Revised Upward By 41,000

American employers added 266,000 jobs in November, far above the 180,000 expected by economists, while the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, matching a 50-year low. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the employment numbers this morning in their monthly release. Employment rebounded by 54,000 in manufacturing following last month’s decline of 43,000. Most of this...

December 6, 2019

Businesses (And Workers) Are Thankful For Texas As Charles Schwab Calls It Quits On California

California’s population is 38% larger than Texas’, but since 2008, Texas has added about 100,000 … [+] TEXAS PUBLIC POLICY FOUNDATION, DATA FROM THE U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Charles Schwab (NYSE: SCHW), the San Francisco-based financial services firm that pioneered low-cost stock trades, is moving to Texas. The announcement follows news yesterday that Charles Schwab will...

November 26, 2019
Energy & Environment

Blackout-Prone California Is Exporting Its Energy Policies To Western States, Electricity Will Become More Costly And Unreliable

California is again facing widespread blackouts. Politicians are scrambling to assign blame to Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) a heavily regulated utility that can only do what the politically appointed regulators say it can do. In recent years this has meant building a bunch of solar and wind projects, while decommissioning reliable sources of power and...

November 19, 2019
Local Government

Housing alone won’t solve homeless crisis – Drug addiction and mental illness must be treated

Steve Adler, the mayor of Austin, Texas, was on Fox News defending his city’s homeless policies Tuesday during an interview with Bill Hemmer. Last summer, the all-Democratic 10-member Austin City Council voted to lift the city’s ban on sleeping or camping on public property, such as sidewalks and parks – except for City Hall itself. Immediately following the vote, Austin’s...

November 10, 2019
Energy & Environment

California Prof Tries To Shift Blame From Leftist Dumpster Fire For ‘Californiapocalypse’

In “Can You Still #Resist When Your State’s On Fire? A postcard from the Californiapocalypse,” Amy Wilentz, a journalist, writer, and English professor at the University of California, Irvine, details for The New York Times a truthy series of myths about California’s fiery, electric-less travails. She establishes her credentials at the onset by letting her...

November 8, 2019

Beto O’Rourke had nothing to offer voters but criticism of Trump

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas – once a rising star in the crowded field of Democratic presidential hopefuls – withdrew from the race Friday after belatedly realizing he couldn’t become president simply by attacking President Trump without offering a better alternative. Although he joined the chorus of Democrats denouncing Trump with ever-growing ferocity and embraced full-blown Trump Derangement...

November 2, 2019