Foreign Policy

America Must Opt Out Of The World Health Organization’s Global Medical Tyranny

The experts could hide behind international law as they advocate economy-crushing lockdowns and forced vaccinations. Elon Musk tweeted that “Countries should not cede authority to WHO,” and conservatives have joined him in sounding the alarm about proposed legal changes to the World Health Organization and its International Health Regulations (IHR). The basic question is whether America should...

March 28, 2023
Taxes & Spending

If you think Gavin Newsom has a political future, just ask these folks fleeing California

Gavin Newsom’s California looks like an ‘Elysium’ on earth Elon Musk just gave California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom some welcome good news as Musk announced Tesla will build its engineering headquarters in Palo Alto—in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Newsom, expected by political analysts to be maneuvering to run for the Democrat nomination for president, has...

February 28, 2023
Criminal Justice

Is Crime Going Down, Or Have Democrat-Run Cities Just Given Up On Reporting It?

Competing narratives and poor information plague national discourse about public safety, making it difficult to reach a political consensus. Even while gangs increasingly mug, carjack, and gun people down on the streets of many major cities, fentanyl poisoning deaths take 100,000 American lives, and mass murder incidents happen with unsettling regularity, perceptions of crime are...

February 16, 2023