
California Shows What Happens When Nobody Checks The Administrative State: Everything Burns Down

In California, the embarrassing disconnect between the state’s whole-of-government approach in the fight against climate change versus the smoking reality of spectacular failure is seen where it counts: in the real world. A Wall Street Journal editorial on Oct. 23 cited a University of California study finding that California’s 2020 wildfire emissions “were two times higher than...

October 26, 2022
Foreign Policy

Letting China Purchase U.S. Land Poses An Even Bigger National Security Risk Than You Think

Buyers from the People’s Republic of China purchased $6.1 billion in real estate last year, the most of any foreign buyer. Many of these purchases over the past few years have been of farmland or ranchland near U.S. military bases. Revelations from a groundbreaking exclusive CNN story published on July 23 about telecommunications equipment from China’s Huawei installed in...

July 27, 2022