Higher Education

Learning To Love Big Brother: New Study Of College-Student Attitudes Sounds Alarm

  The Gallup-Knight Foundation recently completed its latest survey of college students nationwide. The results are less than encouraging. On the one hand, the majority of students surveyed continue to believe that protecting free speech rights (56 percent) is extremely important, while 52 percent answer that promoting a diverse and inclusive society is also extremely important to...

March 30, 2018
K-12 Education

New Study: Less Expensive Competency-Based Education Programs Just As Good As Traditional Programs

  College students and their parents find it increasingly difficult to cope with tuition hyperinflation and historically high student-loan debt. Over the last 30 years, the average tuition for a U.S. bachelor’s degree at a traditional four-year college increased more than 15 times faster than the average household income in the United States. Students who borrow...

March 27, 2018
Higher Education

35 Universities Adopt ‘The Chicago Statement’ On Free Speech–1,590 To Go

  Over the past few years, a glut of news accounts has exposed serious restrictions on free speech and debate on American campuses. University speech codes, restrictive “free-speech zones,” commencement speaker “dis-invitations,” and campus shout-downs of invited speakers (the unconstitutional “heckler’s veto”) threaten to undermine our schools’ defining mission: the free, nonpartisan quest for truth. There...

February 28, 2018