Higher Education

Sagging Enrollments, Faculty Inertia, and GOP Backlash Yield Gloomy Financial Forecasts For Colleges

  For the past seven years, Gallup, commissioned by Inside Higher Ed, has polled the opinions of the country’s college and university business officers. This year’s results are out. They are not optimistic, nor should they be. According to the respondents, a growing number of their schools face not only financial decline but also an inability/unwillingness to deal...

September 7, 2017

State Regulation Of Cities Does Not Illegitimately Infringe On “Local Control”

In sum, the battle between state authority and local control comes down to the choice between government regulation and individual liberty. Some cities in Texas, and not only in Texas, would preempt state authority in order to increase their power to regulate the lives of their citizens. When such regulation violates individual liberty, it is not only the right but the duty of state leadership to intervene on behalf of liberty.

July 24, 2017
Higher Education

Administration’s First Budget Looks to Inject Market Discipline Into Student Loan Program

This commentary originally appeared in Forbes on May 30, 2017. President Trump’s first budget has been submitted to Congress. It would enact a number of changes in higher education policy: eliminating the taxpayer subsidy for low-income students’ loan interest payments while enrolled in school; raising the limit on borrowers’ payments under the Income-Driven Repayment program...

May 30, 2017
Higher Education

American Higher Education: An Autopsy

In short, our universities have none but themselves to blame for the growing public backlash from which they are suffering—and will likely suffer further if they continue to treat concerns over campus censorship with what sometimes appears to be smug indifference. By letting ideology trump scholarship, by elevating feelings over rational arguments, by strangling the quest for truth—their reason for being—at the altar of political correctness, our colleges and universities have squandered the almost-devotional respect felt for them by the larger society.

May 8, 2017