Higher Education

Who’s Violating Campus Free Speech? Follow The Money

Free speech, though under assault on a growing number of campuses, is still deemed a paramount feature of American democracy by most Americans--certainly those who received their college educations years earlier. But Americans’ devotion to the First Amendment can be expected only to weaken annually if we continue to graduate college students reared in the new regime of intolerance establishing ever-more beachheads on our campuses.

April 3, 2017
Higher Education

The Latest–And Surprising–Victims of the Student-Loan Debt Crisis: Older Americans

The data reveal that older Americans with “outstanding student loans are more likely than those without outstanding student loans to report that they have skipped necessary health care needs such as prescription medicines, doctors’ visits, and dental care because they could not afford it." This increased burden on older Americans has caused them to tap savings that were being safeguarded for their retirement years. 

March 24, 2017
Higher Education

Report: Obama Department Of Education Drastically Underestimated Student-Loan Debt

In short, things are getting worse on the student loan front—and have been for some time; something we would and should have known earlier, had it not been for the federal government’s “technical programming error.” For my part, I will not question the veracity of the prior administration’s claims. I will wait patiently for the Department of Education to heed the GAO’s admonition to clean up its books.

January 31, 2017