Taxes & Spending

Texas’ 2018-19 Budget Items that Exceed Conservative Texas Budget Growth Limit

The Conservative Texas Budget (CTB) is one where biennial appropriations (General Appropriations Act and supplemental appropriations, when available) of state funds (excludes federal funds) and all funds—the footprint of government—increase by no more than population growth plus inflation. The 2018-19 CTB limits are $147.5 billion in state funds and $218.5 billion in all funds.  ...

February 3, 2017

Texas Weathers the Oil Price Volatility Better than Alberta

  Texas Weathers the Oil Price Volatility Better than Alberta Comparisons of standards of living among the largest states and their fiscal approaches provide insight into which approach best supports prosperity. Research comparing key economic data finds that states following the principles of limited government are a blueprint for prosperity. The Fraser Institute in Canada recently published a report that highlights this...

November 29, 2016