Taxes & Spending

Spotlight series recap of Articles in the Texas budget

To provide increased budget transparency, the Foundation released six papers in the Spotlight series that highlight each of the ten articles of the Texas budget. In addition to providing taxpayers with timely information about where their tax dollars are going, this series also provides more information about budget trends since the 2004-05 budget in each article and identifies functions that increase by more than 6.5 percent from the previous budget.

May 27, 2016
Taxes & Spending

Federal regulations cost $4 trillion

To have the best economic environment for opportunities to prosper and higher standards of living, regulation at the federal and state levels should be dramatically scaled back. The cost of every regulation must be considered, and those that have a higher cost than benefit should be scrutinized and ultimately not imposed. This is how we can begin to reclaim the American Dream for far too many who feel as though it is out of reach.

May 2, 2016