Criminal Justice

NC’s move toward alternate crisis response will allow police to focus on crime

What happens when dialing 9-1-1 doesn’t involve criminal activity? Traditionally, overburdened and shrinking law enforcement agencies are the first responders to calls involving complex social issues like homelessness, mental health crises, and substance abuse. It’s a dual role that demands a balance of authority and compassion, and for the past 50 years, North Carolina has pioneered...

September 22, 2023

One Country Is Suspiciously Missing From The State Department’s Latest Corruption List

In late July, the U.S. State Department presented a report to Congress which added nearly 40 individuals from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua, including former presidents, judges, and other public figures to this year’s list of “corrupt and undemocratic actors.” Yet strangely enough, our close neighbor, Mexico—which ranks among the top five most corrupt countries globally—remains absent from...

September 14, 2023