Foreign Policy

Mexican Military Hack Deepens Suspicions of Cartel Collusion in Politics

Since President Joe Biden took office, he has prioritized strengthening relations with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Biden has called the Mexican leader a “friend and partner,” proclaimed his “great respect” for him and often touted their “strong and productive relationship.” AMLO, as the Mexican president is commonly called, successfully campaigned on promises to pacify the...

October 14, 2022

Our Constitution’s Structure Protects Our Liberty. The Federal Government Can’t Disregard It.

The legal doctrine of standing is enjoying its moment in the sun in the wake of the Biden Administration’s student loan cancellation plan. The doctrine requires someone to suffer “concrete and particularized” harm—and not just a “generalized grievance”—before filing suit. It will be the Administration’s chief weapon in blocking legal challenges to the loan forgiveness...

October 10, 2022