The Facts

  • The Texas Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) mandates 10,000 MW of renewable capacity by 2025, of which 500 MW must be from non-wind sources.
  • The cost of wind Renewable Energy Credits-perhaps $41 million per year- is passed on to consumers through the price of electricity.
  • CREZ transmission lines-being built to transmit electricity from wind farms in West Texas-will add as much as $1.3 billion annually to electricity bills once the lines have been completed.
  • The back-up generation and grid-related costs of wind energy could increase ERCOT's system production costs by $1.82 billion per year.


  • Eliminate the Renewable Portfolio Standard.
  • Support elimination of the federal production tax credit.
  • Require all electrical generators to meet the same standards, including renewable energy sources.
  • Eliminate the 50% natural gas mandate.