Technology Why Texas Needs a Right to Repair Law It is true: “they just don’t make ‘em like they used to.” Giving consumers true ownership and control over how to use, modify, and fix their personal property is a crucial step toward unraveling this reality—best accomplished through a right to repair. Key Points: The right to repair presents a tension between the interests of... July 29, 2024
Health Care Why Doctors Aren’t Allowed to Give You Free Care Growing up as the son of a Naval Reserves surgeon and medical school professor, I witnessed top-notch medical care, but I also saw firsthand the many obstacles that hinder doctors. One of the most frustrating obstacles is the burden of government regulations. In rural Texas, numerous patients rely on government-run insurance programs such as Medicare... July 17, 2024
Criminal Justice Caregiver Mitigation and Diversion Programs: A Family-Centered Alternative to Incarceration The incarceration of parents has devastating effects on the family unit, especially on health, education, employment, and quality of life outcomes for children. Texas should enact mitigation laws that redirect parents who commit non-violent, non-serious crimes to diversionary programs that keep them at home with their children while serving their sentence. Key Points: Incarceration has... August 19, 2024