For the foregoing reasons, Stewards of the Sequoia hereby petition the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Chief of the United States Forest Service, and the Forest Supervisor of the Sequoia National Forest to refrain from their current plan to circumvent the requirements of the 2005 Travel Management Rule by impermissibly amending the LRMP to include travel management decisions for the Piute Mountains. Compliance with the 2005 Travel Management Rule for the Piute Mountains requires the issuance of a draft environmental impact statement, final environmental impact statement, and record of decision, including publication of legally-binding finding map showing the authorized routes in the Piute Mountains.
Property Rights – Short-Term Rentals
A homeowner in New Braunfels, TX takes on the city’s short-term rental ban. Rafael Marfil has a simple wish: to rent his property to families for less than thirty days—something that folks in New Braunfels, Texas have been doing for decades. But the City of New Braunfels made that illegal when it banned property owners...