Telemedicine is Here to Stay

What to Know: In his TPPF keynote speech, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said the pandemic showed us the value of telemedicine.

The TPPF Take: Making telemedicine more available to Texans is part of TPPF’s Liberty Action Agenda.

“Telemedicine offers a convenient and safe alternative to traveling long distances to see a doctor,” says TPPF’s David Balat. “Texas should permanently eliminate regulations waived during the coronavirus outbreak that increased telemedicine access and lower costs.”

For more on our Liberty Action Agenda, click here.

The Real Minimum is Zero

What to Know: President Joe Biden has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.

The TPPF Take: A higher minimum wage hurts those it is supposed to help.

“When governments artificially raise the minimum wage, they have the real and predictable effect of eliminating lower wage, lower skill jobs, and that hits new workers hard,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “Instead, government should let people prosper by getting out of the way and letting the markets work.”

For more on how minimum wage hikes hurt lower-skilled workers, click here.

Migrant Caravans

What to Know: A Biden official is telling migrant caravans heading for the southern U.S. border not to come. 

The TPPF Take: The migrant caravans are coming because Biden invited them.

“During the presidential campaign, Biden promised to reverse President Trump’s strict immigration and border policies, which together with emergency travel restrictions because of the pandemic helped drive illegal-immigration levels to historic lows after a surge last spring,” says TPPF Senior Fellow John Daniel Davidson. “Numbers are once again increasing as conditions deteriorate in Central America.”

For more on the coming border crisis, click here.