A Black Day for Investors

What to know: Saudi Aramco’s CEO has just joined the board of BlackRock, the global investment manager.

The TPPF take: BlackRock is using its leverage to force companies to comply with its radical climate agenda.

“Texans will not tolerate woke companies pushing their ideologies on us while using our tax and pension dollars to do so,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “The worst part of all this? Even the most powerful financial mob could never actually succeed at eliminating fossil fuels—only at driving up prices and sending production overseas. It’s a power grab with no net gain.”

For more on BlackRock and ESG investing, click here.

It’s Time to Empower Parents

What to know: The Dallas Morning News can’t seem to figure out why Texas Gov. Greg Abbott remains committed to empowering parents with universal school choice—even though the News’ own poll shows that Texans want it.

The TPPF take: Empowering parents to make the key decisions on their children’s educations benefits everyone involved.

“Once parents are empowered with real choices, schools respond with new programs, improved curriculum, and a renewed focus on the quality of the education they are providing students,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “School choice is the catalyst that encourages everyone to become better and more efficient.”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.

Is That Even Possible? 

What to know: Is it even possible for car manufacturers to provide every American driver with an affordable, reliable electric vehicle? The short answer is no.

The TPPF take: Electric vehicles aren’t the answer to climate worries.

“The wealthy are not bearing the brunt of the war on fossil fuels; child laborers in Africa and working American families are, and the weight will be crushing,” says TPPF’s Jamila Piracci. “And the current administration is not just assisting EV buyers; they are propping up the entire EV market by paying buyers to create demand so that suppliers will have the profitability necessary to make the product. There isn’t a natural widespread demand for EVs, so policymakers are using the popularized ESG narrative to ban the alternatives (fossil fuels).”

For more on electric vehicles, click here.