A Day at the Beach

What to know: Texas officials are slamming the Biden administration’s plans for massive offshore wind farms along the Texas Gulf Coast.

The TPPF take: In its haste to build offshore wind farms, the Biden administration has ignored the well-documented disadvantages of big wind turbines off our coasts.

“The project’s final environmental impact statement acknowledges that the turbines will increase danger to humans through collisions, but failed to address other dangers—such as interference with the instruments used in search-and-rescue missions,” says TPPF’s Ted Hadzi-Antich. “Nor did it address the vulnerability of the larger-than-planned Haliade-X turbines to hurricane-force winds—which occur regularly along the Atlantic seaboard and in the Gulf.”

For more on offshore wind, click here.

Smart Children Left Behind

What to know: Seattle public schools are dismantling advanced math classes because not enough Black and brown students get in. Even the Seattle Times objects: “Equity shouldn’t require shrinking the playing field,” the newspaper editorialized.

The TPPF take: Critical race theory is behind the “equity” movement in education (including math), which discards the equality that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated.

“The logical outcome of these progressive policies won’t be the world King dreamed of — where ‘the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood,’” says TPPF’s Richard Johnson. “It will instead be a dystopia not far removed from the reality that so deeply disappointed King, with segregation that is at once educational, societal and economic.”

For more on CRT and segregation, click here.

Big (Spending) D

What to know: Dallas has the highest property tax rate of any sizable North Texas city. In fact, one study says Dallas has the highest five-year property tax increase of any major U.S. city.

The TPPF take: If your tax bill goes up, then it’s because your local elected officials set the tax rate higher than they should have.

“The city of Dallas currently levies the highest property tax rate, which should prompt officials to consider radically reducing rates,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “For a tax-weary public, this information might provide some helpful context on which cities are going overboard and which need to adopt the no-new-revenue tax rate in the coming fiscal year.”

For more on local property taxes, click here.