A Non-Starter


What to know: Electric vehicles report “79% more maintenance problems than gas-powered cars,” according to a new study.


The TPPF take: The Biden administration is committed to forcing Americans into electric vehicles, even if the technology just isn’t ready.


“This is the brute force application of policy preferences—forcing choices onto consumers,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “The result will be disastrous—it won’t be millions of Americans happily motoring to work and back in electric vehicles; most of us can’t afford them. Instead, we’ll increase pressure on the poor, who have to drive longer distances to work and who are priced out of the electric vehicle market.”

For more on electric vehicles, click here.

Helping, Not Hurting


What to know: Californians are increasingly frustrated with “the mental illness, drug abuse and homelessness evident on streets from San Francisco to San Diego,” the Wall Street Journal reports. Today, they’ll vote on a multi-billion dollar measure that would provide more programs, but little accountability.


The TPPF take: TPPF’s Roy Maynard toured San Francisco’s homeless encampments in last year.


“Human beings and communities are perishing,” says Roy. “A conservative estimate from the New York Times puts the death toll of California’s homeless population at 4,800 in 2021. According to the Jama Network, approximately one unsheltered person per day takes their final breath on the streets of San Francisco. But there’s hope — real hope.”

For more on homelessness, click here.

Losing the Working Class


What to know: The Democrats are taking a “What, me worry?” approach to the party’s loss of working class voters.


The TPPF take: We’ve been writing about this shift for some time.


“The new coalition rejects the premise of the New York Times’ ‘1619 Project,’ the grand critique of America, which says the U.S. is fundamentally racist and a real-life dystopia,” says TPPF board member Kevin Roberts. “They know better. It’s the country they or their parents or their grandparents came to, and in many cases, fled to. The America they experience is one of opportunity and freedom.”

For more on Democrats and the working class, click here.