A Powerful Editorial

What to Know: The Washington Examiner has a powerful new editorial on parent empowerment.

The TPPF Take: Parent empowerment is the civil rights movement of our time.

“Once parents are empowered with real choices, schools respond with new programs, improved curriculum, and a renewed focus on the quality of the education they are providing students,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “School choice is the catalyst that encourages everyone to become better and more efficient.”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.

Buckle Up, Buttercup

What to Know: Professors and instructors at UT-Austin’s McCombs School of Business are warning their students about possible trauma (presumably because of the unavoidable mention of capitalism).

The TPPF Take: Putting a trigger warning on the syllabus at the McCombs School of Business is an insult to Red McCombs, who donated $50 million to establish the school and leveraged a $100 million more.

“Why aren’t professors at the McCombs School of Business required to inform their students that if it weren’t for Red McCombs, they wouldn’t have a building, desks or, indeed, a business school?” asks TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “Furthermore, McCombs School of Business students should know that McCombs is one of those Texas giants who understood from the beginning that Texas—now the best reflection of the American idea and repeatedly chosen as the best state in the country to do business — is not an accident.”

For more on Red McCombs, click here.

But When?

What to Know: The White House can’t say when its so-called Inflation Reduction Act will begin to cut inflation.

The TPPF Take: We’ve been here before. President Biden should take a page from history in dealing with inflation.

“Presidents Harding and Coolidge’s fiscal conservatism of lowering spending and tax rates and paying down the national debt resulted in a quick economic recovery,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “The Federal Reserve also tightened the money supply. We need these actions today to correct past government mistakes and help the U.S. economy and American families recover quickly. ”

For more on inflation, click here.