A Republic, If You Can Keep It

What to Know: Every branch of the U.S. military is struggling to meet recruiting goals.

The TPPF Take: The current administration is both woke and hostile to any alternative views.

“My own decision to enlist the military in 1983 was motivated by President Ronald Reagan and his call to defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “In 2007, I retired as a lieutenant colonel. If I were 20 today, there’d be zero chance I’d enlist to serve under a group of people whom I thought hated me and despised my political views — and who would use my time in military service as a cross between a reeducation camp and an armed international social service agency.”

For more on the military, click here.

Limits are Good

What to Know: The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled the EPA overstepped its authority when it tried to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act.

The TPPF Take: Hopefully, this puts an end to the Biden administration and the administrative state’s overreach.

“The Supreme Court has delivered a vital win in reining in the bureaucratic ‘fourth branch’ of government,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “This decides in favor of West Virginia in saying Congress must deliver a clear directive, and Congress has not when it comes to the absurdity of regulating greenhouse gases.”

For more on the EPA case, click here.

Chaos in Mexico

What to Know: Two Catholic priests have been murdered in Mexico.

The TPPF Take: Corruption and criminal organizations continue to thrive in Mexico.

“Mexican officials named local crime boss José Noriel Portillo Gil ‘El Chueco’ as a suspect in the slayings and issued a 5 million peso reward,” reports TPPF’s David Agren. “El Chueco has terrorized parts of the Sierra Tarahumara for years—to the point his name is not spoken by locals.”

For more on Mexico, click here.