A Steak Through the Heart

What to Know: Beef prices aren’t coming down any time soon.

The TPPF Take: It’s not just inflation; beef prices remain high because of bad legislation.

“Threatening prosecution for market manipulation violations doesn’t break up the oligopolies because it addresses the wrong problem,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “Instead of trying to impose regulations to attempt to remedy the power disparity, eliminating the regulations that create barriers to entry in the first place would break up packer conglomerates naturally.”

For more on beef prices, click here.

Someone Please Alert California

What to Know: The San Antonio Express-News is still promoting its story claiming Texas is the nation’s second-worst place to live.

The TPPF Take: While the left-wing media attacks Texas as one of the worst places in the country to live, the data repeatedly shows that Americans are voting with their feet and flocking to the Lone Star State.

“The conservative policies passed by Texans over the last several decades create jobs, help business flourish and ensure that the state continues to effectively compete in the global economy,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “The CNBC annual rankings that consistently put Texas at the top show how well this is working for Texans and the world.”

For more on California vs. Texas, click here.

Missing in Brooks County

What to Know: Illegal immigrants often go missing in Brooks County, a sparsely population region of South Texas. They get lost in the vast scrublands and often, they don’t make it out alive.

The TPPF Take: Brooks County shows that President Biden’s border policies are the furthest thing from “compassionate.”

“Until we decide to truly secure the border, migrants themselves will continue to be just a commodity to the cartels, and inevitably, the collateral damage,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “They deserve better. They deserve real compassion — and that’s not open borders.”

For more on migrant deaths, click here.