A Weaponized Justice System

What to know: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been ordered to pay an $8,000 fine for misreporting money it spent on the opposition research that we came to call the Steele Report, which has long since been debunked.

The TPPF take: This is precisely the crime that former President Donald Trump is facing jail time for.

“Politics is quickly taking over any fidelity to the Constitution or the rule of law,” says TPPF’s Brett Tolman. “If you’re in opposition to the party in power, the criminal justice system can and likely will be weaponized against you. We must stop placating judicial abuse and corruption or any one of us could be met with brute political and legal warfare by those in power.”

For more on our weaponized justice system, click here.

It’s Time for School Choice

What to know: It wasn’t just Texas; author Corey DeAngelis points out that GOP primary voters in Idaho and Kentucky also voted in candidates last month who support empowering parents with school choice.

The TPPF take: The Republican primaries put families one step closer to real school choice.

“While voters still mostly prioritize border security, public safety, and the economy/inflation, school choice became a defining issue of contrast in many contests—especially in the ones where challengers won or pushed incumbents into runoffs,” says TPPF’s Brian Phillips. “With everything going on—pandemic-related school closures, racial and gender indoctrination, inappropriate materials in libraries—perhaps it is an idea whose time has come in Texas.”

For more on school choice, click here.

Standing Up to Woke

What to know: Houston Mayor John Whitmire has refused to bow to progressive demands that he demand a ceasefire in the war started by Gaza last year.

The TPPF take: Whitmire makes this week’s Winners list for standing up to the woke forces demanding support for terrorists.

“He faced a huge backlash in March when he ignored the demands of pro-Palestinian groups in the Bayou City who threatened the mayor with a loss of ‘audience’ and business partnerships if he did not call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “The mayor ignored the threat and this week he celebrated the 76th anniversary of the founding of Israel with the Jewish Community in Houston where he vowed to continue to fight anti-Semitism anywhere he sees it.”

For more on Winners and Losers, click here.