A Win for School Choice


What to know: Gov. Greg Abbott says that voters in Tuesday’s primaries “sent an unmistakable message” that they want to empower parents with school choice.


The TPPF take: It’s time to let parents make the important decisions on their children’s education.


“This will mean more options for families, and as our research shows, better schools all around,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “Texas is closer than ever to delivering on the promise that every parent be in control of their child’s education. The progress made in the last session has only emboldened and invigorated the school choice movement.”

For more on school choice, click here.

Deadly Drugs


What to know: The U.S. is in its tenth year of the fentanyl crisis, and massive government spending just can’t keep up.


The TPPF take: Fentanyl is an Everytown problem, and it’s only going to get worse until the southern U.S. border is secure.


“Successful drug interdiction campaigns target every level — the raw materials coming from abroad, the manufacturers, the traffickers and the dealers,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “We know where the raw materials are coming from; they’re coming from China, in the form of precursors. And we know where the counterfeit pills that are killing so many Americans are being manufactured — in Mexican pill mills.”

For more on fentanyl, click here.

Classical Education


What to know: There’s a new boom in classical education at the K-12 level, a new report shows.


The TPPF take: It’s not just students and families benefiting from this boom; teachers are loving it, too.


“Classical education, whether in a private Christian school or a public charter school setting, emphasizes the cultivation of the whole child—mind, heart, and soul,” says TPPF’s Erin Valdez. “This undertaking measures its success not by test scores (though classically educated students tend to do very well by standardized measures), but by the thriving lives led by graduates.”

For more on classical education, click here.