Affirmative Reaction

What to know: U.S. colleges and universities are still reeling from last week’s Supreme Court decision that struck down affirmative action.

The TPPF take: As Justice Clarence Thomas noted, two wrongs don’t make a right.

“You don’t solve discrimination by discriminating,” says TPPF’s Richard Johnson. “Affirmative action was a first step toward equal opportunity. It was never meant to be a panacea or an end-all policy, as we move toward equal opportunity for all.”

For more on affirmative action, click here.


What to know: U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has reintroduced a Medicare-for-All bill.

The TPPF take: Medicare-for-All will mean access to actual health care for fewer.

“The fundamental flaw of single-payer is that it increases demand (covering more people) while ignoring supply,” says TPPF’s Tanner Aliff. “Health care providers simply can’t afford to add more patients at the reimbursement rates the system can offer. That’s why we’re seeing rationing occur even now in Medicare and Medicaid in the U.S.”

For more on single-payer health care, click here.

China Rising

What to know: President Biden’s energy policies are strengthening China while weakening the U.S.

The TPPF take: China is much more focused on preparing for war than on saving the planet from climate change.

“China knows that American elites fear climate change, claiming it is an existential threat,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “As a result, China touts its massive effort to build wind turbines, deploy solar panels, and rapidly expand electric vehicle production, with almost half of the world’s EVs operating in China. But what if China’s green energy push has nothing to do with the environment?”

For more on China, click here.