Health Care Win

What to know: The Texas House’s health care reform package announced on Wednesday will mean lower costs and better care for Texans.

The TPPF take: The package of bills encompasses a broad range of issues from maternal mortality and brain health to telehealth and prescription drug costs.

“The ‘Healthy Families, Healthy Texas’ plan in the House highlights several critical reforms to reduce health care costs, empower patients, help low-income Texans, and get life-saving treatments, like vaccines, to vulnerable populations,” says TPPF’s David Balat. “Most of all, the plan forges a new bipartisan path for reforming our health care system instead of treading over the same old ground on government-run health care.”

For more on Healthy Families, Health Texas, click here.

Budget Win

What to know: The Texas Senate has passed a budget that’s below the Conservative Texas Budget guidelines set out by TPPF.

The TPPF take: This is a responsible budget that keeps Texas on sturdy financial footing.

“This budget demonstrates tremendous respect to taxpayers, as well as everything the state economy and families have gone through the last year,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “The budget protects last session’s hard-fought property tax relief, doesn’t include any backdoor tax increases, grows less than the fiscally responsible formula of population growth plus inflation, all while leaving the Rainy Day Fund untouched.”

For more on the budget, click here.

Hope You’re Not Tired of Winning Yet

What to know: A federal judge sided with TPPF and ruled the Dallas mandatory paid sick leave ordinance is unconstitutional.

The TPPF take: TPPF attorneys took the lead in fighting against mandatory paid sick leave ordinances throughout Texas.

“The fact is that cities can’t adopt a minimum wage that’s higher than the state minimum wage, and by mandating pay for time not worked, these ordinances do just that,” says TPPF’s Rob Henneke. “Cities have no businesses intervening in the relationship between employers and employees.”

For more on mandatory paid sick leave, click here.