Biden’s Energy Blunder

What to know: The Wall Street Journal says President Joe Biden’s plan to stop permitting new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals is his “worst energy decision” yet.

The TPPF take: Biden’s decree is clearly aimed at shoring up his support among the left as he heads into a difficult reelection campaign.

“The move makes Europe more vulnerable to Russia’s energy blackmail,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “But it also hurts developing nations such as Kenya. For Kenya, the rush towards green energy consigns its population to continued energy poverty while limiting economic advancement.”

For more on energy & developing nations, click here.

Woke Schools

What to know: Kids in many public schools are steeped in woke and radical ideologies. Kindergarteners in Brooklyn, for example, were told to color in Black Lives Matter coloring books.

The TPPF take: Texans may feel their local public schools are safe and free of the woke political agenda. Sadly, they’re mistaken.

“Having been brought up in the progressive environment of our leftist colleges, the education establishment can’t help itself from focusing on ideology instead of academics,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “And, with many parents unable to afford or not lucky enough to get into an alternative education option, students are stuck in schools with administrators that are too busy pushing a social agenda to worry about basic learning. How do we fix this? Choice.”

For more parental empowerment and choice, click here.

Price Transparency

What to know: Too many hospitals in the U.S. are flouting new price transparency laws.

The TPPF take: Health care price transparency is good for patients—and providers.

“Most Americans want hospitals to show their prices,” says TPPF’s Tanner Aliff. “According to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, nearly 90% are in favor of an initiative by the government to mandate disclosure of negotiated prices by hospitals, insurers, and other medical professionals.”

For more on price transparency, click here.