Lobbying for Whom?

What to know: The Victoria Advocate’s editorial board says cities and counties should be able to continue to use taxpayer funds to pay for private lobbyists, opining that “local governments deserve to have a say in Austin.”

The TPPF Take: Nothing is stopping local officials from picking up the phone to talk to their legislators.

“Governments are forcing taxpayers to pay for lobbyists whose job it is to advocate for more government,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “This abusive practice costs Texans dearly, both financially and in terms of the quality of legislation passed or defeated every session. The Texas Legislature must prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on lobbyists for the sake of prosperity and posterity.”

Lobbying with taxpayer money is part of TPPF’s Liberty Action Agenda. To learn more, click here.

When Bigger Isn’t Better

What to Know: President-elect Joe Biden has an ambitious agenda to grow government on his first day in office, as well as in his first 100 days.

The TPPF Take: Bigger government means more government involvement in our lives.

“Taking to heart the maxim to ‘never let a crisis go to waste,’ Biden will sign about a dozen executive actions immediately upon taking office, expanding government,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “This is in sharp contrast to President Trump’s approach of deregulation, which supported the growth and prosperity of the private sector.”
For more on the economy, click here.


What to Know: Americans celebrated the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday.

The TPPF Take: King wouldn’t recognize the modern civil rights movement, which has been hijacked by critical race theory.

“The just goals he fought for, equal opportunity for all and a color-blind society, have been set aside by modern critical race theorists, in favor of divisive identity politics and collective grievance,” says TPPF’s Richard Johnson. “The new goal is a return to segregation, though MLK knew that separate can never be equal.”

For more on MLK and critical race theory, click here.