
What to know: The Texas oil and gas industry paid $24.7 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties last year, a new report shows.

The TPPF take: The Legislature must protect oil and gas production, which is vital to the state’s economy.

“In 2019, the U.S. became THE global oil and gas leader, decreasing overall US energy costs by over 7%,” says Texas Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian, writing for The Cannon Online. “If we want to keep the Texas Miracle alive, we must prioritize defending the oil and gas industry against federal overreach and woke Wall Street.”

For more on Texas energy, click here.

Whale Watching

What to know: More and more whale carcasses are washing ashore, suspiciously close to offshore wind projects.

The TPPF take: TPPF attorneys have filed a lawsuit over offshore wind plans that endanger marine wildlife and the vital fishing industry.

“In its urgency to get offshore wind projects approved, the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management failed to conduct the proper environmental impact studies; the states jumping on board with this project failed to get input from the fishing industry regarding environmental and economic impacts; and reasonable alternatives to the sites chosen for the turbines were not considered,” says TPPF’s Ted Hadzi-Antich.

For more on offshore wind, click here.

Austin’s Problems 

What to know: Economists say Austin is uniquely positioned to weather a recession, but its other problems—such as the skyrocketing cost of living—will continue to plague it.

The TPPF take: Austin’s political elite continue to act in ways that make the affordability problem worse, not better.

“Austin-area governments won’t solve the affordability crisis by spending other people’s money,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “In fact, they are making the situation worse. If local officials want their actions to match their words, then they’re going to have to stop taxing people out of their homes and shrink the burden of government.”

For more on local government spending, click here.