Border Crisis

What to know: Some Texas counties are charging illegal immigrants with child endangerment and criminal trespass, since the federal government is taking no action on the border crisis.

The TPPF take: The Biden administration has stood down on the border, leaving Americans to fend for themselves.

“After more than two decades of incomplete and systematically dysfunctional policies on the southern border, the federal government under President Trump was finally beginning to turn the tide at the southern border,” says TPPF’s Ken Oliver. “And within just a few months, the Biden Administration has not only reversed all the gains that were achieved but has made the situation immeasurably worse.”

For more on the border crisis, click here.

This is ‘Safe’?

What to know: A California pilot program will put “safe” drug injection sites in three cities to try to curb overdose deaths, especially among the homeless.

The TPPF take: This program will only normalize dangerous drug use, and it won’t help with the homelessness problem.

“Who would be served by safe injection sites?” asks TPPF’s Michele Steeb. “The street drug dealers who want easy access to the highly motivated customer base will benefit immensely through this legislation. Dealers congregate near the safe injection site in Vancouver, the controversial program after which San Francisco’s is modeled.”

For more on this California program, click here.

Tax Man

What to know: President Biden’s tax plans are taking shape, and it’s not pretty.

The TPPF take: According to Biden’s proposals, the tax man would visit you again and again and again.

“It is hard to overestimate the damage that this will do to intergenerational savings, the capital stock in the country, and long-term real wage growth,” says TPPF’s E.J. Antoni. “Once again, assets that were held by an individual for a long period of time, like a house, will have seen large nominal gains because of inflation, but maybe only modest real gains, or maybe none at all.”

For more on Biden’s tax plans, click here.