Breaking Records at the Border

What to know: One of the largest mass illegal crossings ever seen took place in Eagle Pass in the early morning hours of Monday, with Border Patrol reporting more than 2,200 people have crossed there since midnight.

The TPPF take: TPPF’s Carine Martinez visited the border recently.

“My colleagues and I bore witness to the reality Texas border communities are facing everyday as a result of loose federal enforcement of immigration laws. This was both heartbreaking and infuriating,” says Carine. “The truth is Washington has abandoned—and sacrificed—border communities when it stopped enforcing immigration laws. Texas has not, but Texas is also under assault by our own federal government, and by a Mexican government in cahoots with cartels, both trying to prevent Texas from doing the right thing: securing the border.”

For more on the border, click here.

Well, That Didn’t Work

What to know: California Gov. Gavin Newsom has quietly lifted his state’s ban on travel to states with laws that he doesn’t agree with.

The TPPF take: Newsom is a politician, through-and-through.

“Who is Newsom?” asks TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “If globalists, with their leftist hivemind worldview, were to spawn the perfect politician in a vat, Newsom would emerge from the goo, slick his hair back, and proceed to win one office after another, a bioplastic terminator of liberty.”

For more on California and Gov. Gavin Newsom, click here.

Out of Reach

What to know: Are President Joe Biden’s green dreams slipping away, as offshore wind projects dry up amid cost increases and supply chain issues?

The TPPF take: Biden’s Green New Deal lite is facing substantial headwinds.

“The strength of those headwinds was made clear last week, when the feds received exactly zero bids for leases off Texas,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “Industry expressed a profound disinterest in these Gulf leases, casting a shadow on what the Biden administration has called ‘an important milestone for the Gulf of Mexico region — and for our nation — to transition to a clean energy future.’ No surprise, given that despite massive subsidies, offshore wind is twice as expensive as onshore resources.”

For more on offshore wind, click here.