California Dreamin’

What to know: California Gov. Gavin Newsom hopes to address his state’s homelessness crisis with a huge infusion of taxpayer funds.

The TPPF take: Newsom’s plan falls depressingly short of what is needed to address the state’s homelessness crisis.

“The housing he’s proposing strictly prohibits the requirement of sobriety, the connection of services to housing to help the homeless address the underlying causes of their homelessness… including engagement in work training programs,” says TPPF’s Michele Steeb.

For more on California homelessness, click here.

Well, Actually…

What to know: The Austin American-Statesman has “fact-checked” the fact that the city’s crime and murder rates are skyrocketing, following the defunding of its police department.

The TPPF take: The Statesman might not get it, but Texans know we need the police.

“I am optimistic that the pendulum will swing the other way,” says TPPF’s Randy Petersen. “The anti-police crowd and the politicians who threw in with them will face a reckoning in future elections as voters and citizens see defunding and anti-police sentiments for the dangerous ideologies that they are.”

For more on policing, click here.

Building a Better Future

What to know: The COVID-19 bonus on unemployment checks has ended.

The TPPF take: New legislation will help Texans get the job training they need.

“Legislators successfully implemented programs to assist Texans with strengthening their chances to gain training, experience, and education that provide them with valuable tools for their careers,” notes TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “These tools help keep them from falling through the cracks by empowering them with skills and knowledge that offer them more opportunities to flourish.”

For more on opportunity for Texans, click here.