Couples Counseling

What to know: About one-fifth of Americans surveyed say they’re in favor of a “national divorce” over irreconcilable political differences between the states.

The TPPF take: We don’t need a national divorce; we need to follow the Constitution.

“When we follow it, our Constitution is well suited to achieve its Preamble’s enumerated ends, namely to: ‘…form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,’” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “That more people question the Constitution’s viability today isn’t due to its questionable relevance or effectiveness; rather, it is that we’ve strayed too far from its timeless operating principles.”

For more on national divorce, click here.

Bang for our Buck

What to know: The Legislature is advancing the next biennial budget, which will include property tax cuts and raises for teachers.

The TPPF take: Lawmakers should include provisions for outside audits of state agencies to ensure we’re getting our tax dollars’ worth.

“The Lone Star State remains behind the middle pack on the quality and performance of public services provided to its citizens,” says TPPF’s Daniel Sánchez-Piñol. “According to the U.S. News Best State ranking, Texas occupies the 31st position in public service performance. One way to improve the performance and reduce wasteful spending is to follow the Foundation’s recommendation to conduct private efficiency audits to every state agency.”

For more on state spending, click here.

How Safe?

What to know: So-called “safe injection sites” for drug addicts are gaining a foothold in the U.S., according to U.S. News & World Report.

The TPPF take: Sites that facilitate illegal drug consumption- supervised or not- are anything but safe.

“With our nation’s drug crisis  at an all-time high, the nation can ill-afford public policy ventures that reject human transformation and second chances,” says TPPF’s Michele Steeb. “People struggling with addiction, as well as the families and communities crushed under its weight, deserve a ‘free’ way, not a highway to hell.”

For more on Supervised drug consumption sites, click here.