Crisis at the Border

What to know: The head of Mexico’s FBI is now on trial for accepting bribes from the criminal cartels.

The TPPF take: President Biden’s border policies allow corruption like this to flourish.

“Since day one of his presidency, Joe Biden has made it clear that he would rather allow cartels to control our border than be vulnerable to political attacks from the left,” says TPPF’s Mayra Flores. “As a result, we have experienced the largest border security crisis in modern American history.”

For more on border crisis, click here.

And a Crisis at Home

What to know: New York City can’t figure out what to do with its “migrant crisis,” caused by Texas sending a small fraction of its border-crossers to NYC.

The TPPF take: Even Democrats such as NYC Mayor Eric Adams can no longer deny that Biden administration border policies have failed.

“From before time of the Declaration of Independence or our Constitution, America has been a refuge for those seeking freedom from oppression,” says Congressman Chip Roy, R-Texas, writing for The Cannon Online. “She should remain so. But we cannot allow laws meant to serve the oppressed to create even more oppression in the false name of compassion. We will never solve this border crisis if Congress is not willing to step in and fix the policies causing it.

For more on immigration, click here.

Woke Aggies

What to know: How did Texas A&M University go woke? Through diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies that see merit as a form of racism.

The TPPF take: Our CEO, Greg Sindelar, is a graduate of Texas A&M’s Mays Business School.

“Mays has provided a solid—even prestigious—business degree for years,” says Greg. “Yet now, it seems to be racing toward a broken bridge, through the safety barriers and right past the sign that says ‘Go Woke, Go Broke.’ My alma mater, Texas A&M, deserves better.”

For more on Texas A&M, click here.