Don’t Panic!

What to know: The media is reporting that millions of Texans have been kicked off Medicaid. Is it time to panic?

The TPPF take: Don’t panic! The media is just using its usual scare tactics.

“Studies conducted by the Urban Institute and Paragon Institute found that of the 18 million people across the nation set to be disenrolled from Medicaid, 99 percent had employer-based coverage or another taxpayer funded plan,” says TPPF’s Andrea Hitt. “The idea that disenrollment from Medicaid left millions bereft of insurance is a myth.”

For more on Medicaid, click here.

Thanks, But No Thanks

What to know: A low-key municipal election made international news last month, when Austin’s Lost Creek neighborhood voted to secede (or “disannex” itself) from the city of Austin.

The TPPF take: What allowed Lost Creek to chart its own course was a new state law that made some small but important changes to Texas’ disannexation process.

“Historically, Texas cities were allowed to annex surrounding areas without anyone’s permission,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. This practice, often driven by a desire for tax revenue, led to scenarios in which entire neighborhoods found themselves subject to city ordinances, taxes, and regulations without any input or voting rights. In 2017, the Texas Legislature finally responded to the mounting public outcry and partially ended the practice.”]

For more on annexation, click here.

A Win for Texas Children

What to know: Texas children are the big winners of the Republican Party primaries and runoffs, the Wall Street Journal says. GOP lawmakers opposed to parent empowerment through school choice were largely turned out of office by angry voters.

The TPPF take: School choice is now one step closer to being a reality for millions of Texas families.

“Voters have spoken very loudly and very clearly, and they want school choice,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “And it’s no coincidence that it comes at a time when there’s a shift in conservative politics. Gov. Abbott should be congratulated on his hard work on behalf of candidates who support parent empowerment.”

For more on school choice, click here.