Energy Dependence

What to know: Under the guise of ESG, financial institutions and insurance providers are colluding to deny access to American energy producers of needed products and services.

The TPPF take: The ESG movement is all about power, not about maximizing returns for investors.

“ESG investing, which could be a useful tool for individuals to make informed choices about their investments, has instead become a wrecking ball that could destroy entire industries,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “The un-American agenda of the climate cartel is an affront to the principles of liberty that founded our country.”

For more on ESG, click here.


What to know: The Texas House has approved a ban on diversity, equity and inclusion offices within public universities.

The TPPF take: Texas lawmakers must continue to work to restore nondiscrimination and equality to Texas college campuses.

“DEI divides people rather than unites them,” says TPPF’s Carol Swain. “It is rooted in a Marxist worldview in which conflict is touted as a means to bring about a utopian world. We know it has never worked in any society. And in the 2020s it is destroying higher education in America and the ideological diversity necessary for young people to develop critical thinking skills that come from grappling with ideas, even ones not found in the liberal playbook.”

For more on DEI, click here.

Death Star Bill

What to know: A bill that would prevent cities from overregulating their citizens and businesses—termed the “Death Star bill” by Democrats—is on its way to the governor for signing.

The TPPF take: Local liberty trumps local control.

“It’s time local governments focused on the basics,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “Texans don’t want their cities and counties chasing every progressive cause de jour. They want them filling potholes and policing the roads.”

For more on local liberty, click here.