Fed Up with Rationing

What to Know: Canada has surveyed its own citizens and found—to its surprise—they’re fed up with the nation’s rationing of medical care.

The TPPF Take: Government-run health care systems always devolve into rationing.

“Proponents of single-payer healthcare (such as the Canadian system or Medicare-for-All) always promise patients affordable, accessible, and equitable care for all,” says TPPF’s David Balat. “But the iron economic law of scarcity means there are never enough resources to match demand. And as every other single-payer system shows, rationing is inevitable.”

For more on health care rationing, click here.

They Said it Out Loud

What to Know: A Washington Post columnist says it’s time for America to declare its independence from the Founding Fathers. What did those guys know, anyway?

The TPPF Take: The genius of America’s founding was in the separation of powers (which is really what the Washington Post is objecting to here).

“Our Founding Fathers gave Congress — not the president — the power to make laws for a reason: to ensure our elected representatives are accountable to the people,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “Forcing agenda-driven mandates down our throats through executive diktat allows no such accountability.”

For more on the separation of powers, click here.

Protect Our Children

What to Know: TikTok is being sued by the parents of children who were participating in a self-harm “challenge” on the social media site.

The TPPF Take: It’s time to ban social media accounts for minors.

“There are countless tragic stories about the destructive harms of social media,” says TPPF’s Zach Whiting. “Texas should be the national leader on the issue of child online safety by taking the bold step of banning social media use by minors. States place age-restrictions on numerous behaviors, such as driving, voting, smoking, drinking, and entering into a valid contract, among other things. This proposal would recognize social media as a prohibited harm to minors.”

For more on social media and children, click here.