First Principles

What to know: One middle school teacher warns that in our public school systems, “DEI and anti-racism aren’t teaching accurate history; rather, they use history as a cudgel to condemn classical liberalism and our exceptional American system.”

The TPPF take: The Texas Public Policy Foundation has a new program to engage with high school students on topics such as first principles and accurate history.

“Rather than curse this intellectual darkness, the Richardson Youth Liberty Fellowship Program is lighting a candle,” says TPPF’s Tom Lindsay. “Students accepted into this year’s program (the deadline for applications is June 30) will be placed on teams and assigned specific roles and tasks to engage them in a simulated public policy think tank environment.”

For more on the Richardson Youth Liberty Fellowship Program, click here.

Pushing Back

What to know: Red states such as Texas are pushing back against the environmental, social and governance (ESG) movement, particularly among investors.

The TPPF take: ESG is a scam.

“I work now to expose how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing threatens our economic prosperity and, instead of improving our environment, enables China’s abysmal human rights and environmental records,” TPPF’s Jason Isaac testified before a U.S. House committee last week. “ESG has infiltrated our economy and been weaponized against essential industries all of us rely on, including, but not limited to, fossil fuels, agriculture, and forestry.”

For more on ESG, click here.

Stopping ‘Woke’ in Texas

What to know:  Texas lawmakers had some great victories in the war against “wokeness” this session.

The TPPF take: Texas is winning the war on “woke.”

“Ignoring predictable progressive charges of racism and transphobia, Texas lawmakers took on the woke insanity, and they won,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “They took significant steps to return reason and free speech to our college campuses, protect our children and women’s sports, and help restore safety and vitality to our cities.”

For more on wokeness, click here.