Fundamental Rights

What to Know: TPPF attorneys are suing the ATF over yanking gun shop licenses over inadvertent paperwork errors.

The TPPF Take: The Biden administration has overstepped its bounds in its campaign against gun shops.

“Central to the administration’s policy is a new zeal to revoke licenses for minor clerical errors that don’t result in unauthorized individuals obtaining a firearm,” says TPPF’s Nate Curtisi. “The results have been staggering, as some estimates have FFL revocations up over 500% from recent years. This enforcement policy is the latest of the administration’s many attempts to twist the meaning of old statutes to impose its preferred regulatory agenda.”

For more on our ATF lawsuit, click here.

An Unlucky Wind

What to Know: President Biden’s offshore wind energy dreams are colliding with hard realities—and federal laws—in Texas.

The TPPF Take: TPPF is leading the fight to show how these offshore wind projects fail to live up to their promises.

“Filling the Gulf of Mexico with massive wind turbines would do none of the things that proponents promise,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “But it would bring environmental harms, danger to humans and wildlife alike, and double down on unreliable energy. It would also enrich the foreign companies that dominate offshore wind in the U.S.”

For more on offshore wind, click here.

Heads Carolina

What to Know: California is facing a massive budget shortfall as business and many residents continue to flee from the high taxes and restrictive regulations in the Golden State.

The TPPF Take: There’s no mystery here; people seek greater freedom and opportunity—for themselves and their businesses.

“When coupled with California’s 46th-place ranking for state and local taxes in 2022 — New York was 50 — its heavy regulatory compliance burden, its business-crushing response to the Covid-19 virus, and crime with no consequences thanks to district attorneys in Los Angeles and San Francisco, it’s no wonder inbound movers from other states plummeted 38 percent while Californians fleeing out of state increased 12 percent last year,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore.

For more on California, click here.