Hazardous Materials

What to know: Yet another train derailment has spilled hazardous materials, this time in North Dakota, officials say.

The TPPF take: The Biden administration’s energy policies are forcing more and more hazardous cargos onto trains.

“For bulk cargo like lumber, coal, steel, chemicals, and even cars, trucking has long been the natural choice because of its speed and flexibility,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “It’s much simpler and quicker to get a truckload of goods out the door than it is to coordinate a freight delivery with a third-party railway. But trucking is considerably more expensive, especially with diesel prices through the roof. So, many companies are making the switch to rail, sacrificing nimbleness for cost — a decision so many of us facing tightening grocery budgets understand.”

For more on hazardous materials, click here.

Nothing to Sneeze At

What to know: First they came for our beer; now climate change alarmists are telling us that warmer weather will mean longer allergy seasons.

The TPPF take: Climate alarmists are doing a great disservice to American families.

“We have adapted spectacularly well to the warming world of the past century, and we will be able to cope with whatever challenges a changing climate might bring in the next century,” says TPPF’s Brent Bennett. “This is why I am optimistic about our future, unlike the climate hysterics and their parrots in the mainstream media, who are harming our youth by manufacturing anxiety about climate change.

For more on the climate, click here.

Making It Worse

What to know: The Biden administration’s green dreams will make income inequality worse, experts warn.

The TPPF take: The Green New Deal (or whatever the Biden administration is calling it today) will make people poorer—for no discernable benefit.

“Turns out our all-electric future is so cheap you can’t afford it,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “But energy scarcity is the point and control is the aim.”