Heat Wave

What to know: How have this week’s high temperatures affected the Texas power grid?

The TPPF take: Despite another summer of record demand, the grid should hold up fine. But the solar generation that’s helping the grid now will not help in the winter.

“The summer situation for the Texas grid is actually better than advertised, but winters are becoming a bigger and bigger problem with no clear solution on the horizon,” says TPPF’s Brent Bennett. “The PUC must follow through on the reforms initiated by HB 1500 and make ALL variable generators pay for backup power when they do not perform. This is the only way to ensure a reliable grid without putting customers on the hook for endless reliability costs.”

For more on the Texas power grid, click here.

Taking Aim at Woke

What to know: You won’t believe how woke some Texas big cities are becoming, KTRH reports. For example, “All city employees in Dallas now must use preferred pronouns, or else they face the risk of being fired.”

The TPPF take: Texas lawmakers took on the woke ideology in the regular legislative session.

“Texas lawmakers attacked those crazy ‘woke’ ideas starting at their power center — college campuses — by passing the strongest anti-DEI bill in the nation,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “Texas closed DEI offices on every state campus, and prohibited mandatory DEI training and DEI statements to be hired. They also reined in Democratic-led cities with the ‘Death Star’ bill that will prohibit city leaders from overriding state law.”

For more on the Texas war on woke, click here.

I Love LA

What to know:  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent the first bus of about 40 migrants to Los Angeles, which bills itself as a sanctuary city.

The TPPF take: Gov. Abbott’s plan to bus migrants out of Texas has been a responsible decision for the state.

“Texas’ decision to bus migrants out of the state has been a cost-effective method that has lifted the hardships on border communities, while keeping migrants safe and healthy,” says TPPF’s Selene Rodriguez. “It has also provided a free service to those who are looking for better lives in the sanctuary cities—which have promised them opportunities for many years.”

For more on immigration, click here.