Helping the Homeless

What to Know: The left keeps trying to validate a failed agenda on homelessness.

The TPPF Take: The “Housing solves homelessness” myth has unequivocally devastated lives and communities.

“The Housing First approach discourages behavioral changes and no longer funds the treatment the homeless need to address their underlying struggles,” says TPPF’s Michele Steeb. “It ensures that nearly everyone who enters the homelessness system stays in it, as they are provided subsidized housing for life, without any expectation of healing and work, ever.”

For more on solutions to homelessness that work, click here.

The Coming Horror Story

What to Know: Small businesses are getting crushed in the Biden economy.

The TPPF Take: Zombie firms, those mainly funded by debt, will bottom out if (when) a recession comes.

“If zombie firms begin to crumble and zombie workers don’t search for a job, the resulting zombie economy will hit a wall,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “The result will be a rising unemployment rate, soaring inflation, and stagnating economy, which would extend this costly period of stagflation.

For more on the coming zombie economy, click here.

Bad Report

What to Know: Sometimes stories in the media aren’t just bad journalism, they’re pure propaganda.

The TPPF Take: The media uses several tactics to create and repeat false narratives day after day.

“Stories are often riddled with inaccuracies, misinformation and blatant left wing propaganda,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “The Texas media – particularly the Texas Tribune — is dogmatic and unapologetic and cannot be reasoned with or even shamed into caring about the truth.”

For more on the media’s war against Texas, click here.