He’s Begging You

What to know: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is pleading with citizens to come back to New York City.

The TPPF take: It will take more than Cuomo’s pleas to get people to return to higher taxes and more severe regulations.

“When people vote—with a moving van or a U-Haul truck—they vote for lower taxes and smaller government,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “And it isn’t likely that politicians in California or New York will reverse course anytime soon to stem the flood of people moving out by cutting taxes and trimming red tape.”

For more on New York versus Texas, click here.


What to know: The Senate is moving ahead with a $1 trillion infrastructure bill.

The TPPF take: To get this and other spending bill passed, Congress will have to do something about the debt limit.

“The current U.S. national debt is nearing $30 trillion and will have far-reaching negative economic consequences for future generations of Americans,” says TPPF’s Wes Coopersmith. “Congress has a fiduciary obligation to address the issue now. Lawmakers should not raise the debt limit without significant spending reforms or cuts.”

For more on the debt limit, click here.

Back to School

What to know: Some Texas students are already back in school.

The TPPF take: Education funding is based, in part, on whether a student is in his or her seat. There’s a better way.

“The funding model does not consider the quality of education that the student is receiving or even what they are doing in the class,” says TPPF’s Cat Buechler. “Implementing a competency-based education would ensure the mastery of skills. Students would have the freedom to work on a concept for however long they needed until they were deemed to have shown proficiency.”

For more on competency-based education, click here.