Hope is Here!

What to know: School choice advocate Corey DeAngelis, along with baseball great Mark Teixeira, appeared at a TPPF event on Thursday, declaring, “We have the votes for school choice for Texas for the first time in history.”

The TPPF take: Now is the time for school choice in Texas.

“What it takes is for parents to link arms across the economic spectrum and the political spectrum,” said TPPF’s Mandy Drogin at the event. “And that’s what took place in the elections. This brings hope to everyone.”

To view the event, click here.

Election Returns

What to know: School choice was the big winner in Tuesday’s Texas Republican primary runoffs.

The TPPF take: Texans want school choice.

“While voters still mostly prioritize border security, public safety, and the economy/inflation, school choice became a defining issue of contrast in many contests—especially in the ones where challengers won or pushed incumbents into runoffs,” says TPPF’s Brian Phillips. “With everything going on—pandemic-related school closures, racial and gender indoctrination, inappropriate materials in libraries—perhaps it is an idea whose time has come in Texas.”

For more on support for school choice, click here.

The Jury is Out

What to know: The jury in former President Donald Trump’s New York trial is out; it could come back with a verdict at any time.

The TPPF take: Trump’s trial—and the felony warrant that was served on Mar-a-Lago—show we have a weaponized justice system.

“Attorney General Merrick Garland personally authorized the DOJ and FBI to wrangle a felony search warrant in response to the National Archives alleging that classified documents were not returned by Trump,” says TPPF’s Brett Tolman. “Whether this warrant was a fishing expedition or political theater, the optics were clearly meant to tarnish President Trump. The DOJ and FBI should have coordinated with Trump’s attorneys, conducted their search, and avoided the raid.”

For more on the Trump trial, click here.