Houston’s Coming Fiscal Crisis

What to know: The city of Houston’s outgoing controller recently revealed that it may soon have to grapple with a “structural budget deficit of up to $300 million,” thanks in large part to poor fiscal management and overspending.

The TPPF take: A fiscal crisis looms large over the Bayou City. It has no one to blame except itself.

“The city of Houston is not known for being fiscally responsible. Its bad habits were made worse by the deluge of one-time federal COVID-19 aid, which is set to expire soon. That will trigger tough decisions that should have been made years and years ago,” says TPPF’s James Quintero.

For more on local taxes and spending, click here.

Gender Orthodoxy

What to know: The U.S. medical establishment has been fully captured by the transgender cult, a physician writes in Newsweek.

The TPPF take: States are pushing back against the new trans orthodoxy—and winning.

“European countries such as Sweden and France are moving away from the experimental treatments for gender dysphoria,” says TPPF’s Andrew Brown. “States like Tennessee and Texas have the right and duty to enact laws protecting children from unproven and potentially harmful medical interventions.”

For more transgender confusion, click here.

Broke History

What to know: The University of Texas is refusing to remove the chief historian of the Texas State Historical Association, even after a state senator pointed out how anti-Texas this historian is.

The TPPF take: Go woke, go broke.

“The TSHA is a nonprofit that publishes academic journals, holds conferences and publishes both the Handbook of Texas and the Texas Almanac,” says TPPF’s Roy Maynard. “It plays a significant role in how the history of Texas is taught in the Lone Star State’s public schools, but in recent years, the TSHA has lurched leftward, losing supporters, donors—and relevance.”

For more woke history, click here