How To Go Broke

What to know: A Florida State University professor, who helped advance the idea that America is “systemically racist,” has been fired for faking the research backing up his claims, including the lie that white jurors want harsher sentences for minority defendants.

The TPPF take: Texas lawmakers are winning the war on wokeness on college campuses.

“Ignoring progressive charges of racism and transphobia, Texas lawmakers took on the woke insanity and they won, big time,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “The took significant steps to return reason and free speech to our college campuses, protect our children and women sports and help restore safety and vitality to our cities.”

For more on the war on wokeness, click here.

No Funding Without Reform

What to know: Congressman Chip Roy sent a letter to the entire U.S. House delegation Thursday, urging them not to pass a continuing resolution funding the Department of Homeland Security without significant changes to their policy.

The TPPF take: Congress must use the power of the purse to force the DHS to secure the border.

“Congressman Roy and his colleagues are correct to tie U.S. Department of Homeland Security appropriations to specific steps to stop the wanton abuse of parole authority and non-enforcement that has prevailed for over two and a half years now, and that continues to cause a cascade of negative effects to the integrity of America’s asylum and immigration systems as well as to communities throughout the country,” said Ken Oliver. “Defunding the mass parole programs, increasing and prioritizing detention over catch and release, requiring GPS monitoring as well as requiring ICE to locate and remove aliens who have absconded are just some of the specific measures that the House majority should put on the table, as part of the DHS appropriations process, to demonstrably fulfill their Commitment to America pledge.”

To read the full letter, click here.

A Second Look

What to know: The American Academy of Pediatrics will commission a new study of the evidence for “gender-affirming” care, including care for minors. Thus far, the AAP has supported treatments, despite a lack of scientific evidence.

The TPPF take: States such as Texas and Florida are right to prohibit surgical and chemical modification of children.

“’Gender-affirming care’ sounds harmless and even positive,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “Yet it covers horrific medical procedures on children that result in a lifelong need for treatments, sterility, and the inability to orgasm. More and more research documenting risks to the health of children and irreversible side effects associated with these treatments has led several European nations to reverse course on providing such care to minors.”

For more on gender and medical care, click here.