What to know: The U.S. House has passed a bill that would lead to a federal takeover of state election rules. HR 1 would affect everything from voter registration laws to campaign contributions.

The TPPF take: The bill is unconstitutional.
“It removes all accountability from our elected representatives in favor of unelected bureaucrats and muzzles free speech by limiting peaceful assembly, restricting contributions, and prohibiting anonymous political memberships,” says TPPF’s Kevin Roberts. “It is an all-out attack on democracy, federalism, and nearly every cornerstone of American liberty.”
For more on HR 1, click here.

What to know: Democrats have filed even more gun control legislation.

The TPPF take: Gun control laws don’t make Americans safer.
“Police already have their hands full with the spike in crime rates that have followed the ‘defund the police’ fad,” says TPPF’s Derek Cohen. “It is unconscionable to set the police against law-abiding citizens as in pursuit of progressive orthodoxy.”
For more on gun control, click here.

Well, He Invited Them
What to know: Leaked documents show that child migrants are crossing the southern U.S. border in overwhelming numbers.

The TPPF take: They’re arriving because they were invited.
“During the presidential campaign, Biden promised to reverse President Trump’s strict immigration and border policies, which together with emergency travel restrictions because of the pandemic helped drive illegal-immigration levels to historic lows after a surge last spring,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “Numbers are once again increasing as conditions deteriorate in Central America.
For more on the emerging border crisis, click here.