Hugs AND Drugs!

What to know: Mexico’s oft antagonistic president has sent a letter thanking President Joe Biden for not cracking down on the porous border and the drug cartels, TPPF’s David Agren reports.

The TPPF take: President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is siding with the cartels over the rule of law and public safety.

“The Mexican state under this president has openly moved to end Mexico’s generational experiment in democratic liberalization, and toward a sort of cooperative symbiosis with its own narco cartels,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “The president of Mexico has spoken: his state will defend the cartels that kill Americans in our own homes and communities.”

For more on Mexico, click here.

El Paso Gets It Right

What to know: The city of El Paso has adopted a budget with a no-new-revenue tax rate, which actually means it’s not raising taxes.

The TPPF take: El Paso has it right; other cities and counties, however, are taking advantage of rising appraisals and property tax reform, in hopes that their tax hikes won’t be noticed.

“Many rightly worry that the lack of uniformity among city, county, and school district taxes often confuses and frustrates property owners, signaling that lawmakers must continue to focus on ways to make property taxation more consistent and evenly applied, so that the gains achieved during this special session might be better protected,” says TPPF’s Greyson Gee.

For more on property taxes, click here.

ESG? What’s That?

What to know: Suddenly, environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing isn’t so popular. McDonald’s has purged ESG entries from its website.

The TPPF take: Corporations are getting the message on ESG and other woke gimmicks.

“ESG investing, which could be a useful tool for individuals to make informed choices about their investments, has instead become a wrecking ball that could destroy entire industries,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “The un-American agenda of the climate cartel is an affront to the principles of liberty that founded our country.”

For more on ESG, click here.